Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Courtesy Christmas Warning

Do Not.... I repeat Do Not attempt to go to the mall for "quick" Christmas shopping on your lunch break. I know, not rocket science but if your logic is similar to mine you might have thought lunch would be easier than after work because everyone will be shopping in th evenings. But the true reality is that those shopping during the week in the middle of the day are retired or disabled. Movement was slow. Decisions were difficult. I just need to get my gift card and go!!!! It was no easy task.
The first inidication was the parking. Parking outside of JC Penny is rarely difficult, but I found myself taking the first spot I could find and then making the long haul inside. The second flag was the line at the first counter I passed, where some of the customers were getting excited that the line was "finally moving." I browsed a short while and then went to a register that had no line. Unfortuanely, while in line, something else caught my eye, while looking at it, someone took my place (I can only blame myself for that move). This gentleman wanted to look at the perfumes...which took an eternity. Do I change registers, schlep off to find another, what if that line is longer? So I wait and wait. She finally returns. No gift cards. She searches and looks and explains all the registers should have them...and then directs me to another register where I wait for the older woman in front of me to return her pajama pants.

Monday, December 17, 2007

The New Kids on the Block

OMG wouldn't it be like totally awesome if 2 cute, single guys moved into the apartment on the first floor?
I don't know. There's a good chance if they're cute and single they'll be loud, rude and obnoxious.

And let's not forget young. We're talking celebrating his 21st birthday young. It seemed a little too good to be true. They moved in and from the get go, friendly guys, holding doors open, offering a Beehive to their new neighbor. The welcome (and excitement) was short lived. Get togethers until midnight, their apartment door wide open, music blaring.

The pinnacle was a couple of weekends ago when one of the guys turned 21 (my age detection meter, clearly needing repair). We had our own get together for the festival of lights parade that night. As our party ended, there's was just beginning. The front door open. Music blaring. We could hear conversations from their kitchen to ours (thanks to the B&B next door which reflects all kinds of sounds). I have never hear the f-bomb used so frequently in all of my life...and I spend time with some bad dudes.
It wasn't until about 11:30 that C and I watched them (okay, alright we've got nothing better to do but watch from our window, the happenings down below) all pile into a military van. We think we are clear for the evening until one of them shouts, "Jack Quinn's it is!" Shucks. This means these military guys are taking a van to a bar that is literally 3 blocks from here...which also means they'll be returning here....at about 2:00 a.m. Sure enough, as if I've had my own nights out, they returned just as predicted. The van reappeared and dropped the whole lot of them off (12-15?) except somebody has forgotten their key. This means that for the next 30 minutes there are f-bombs galore and lots of doorbell buzzes. We hear the neighbor yell, "come on guys knock it off." There is no knocking off. What to do....call the cops on the new neighbors. Go down in my skivvies and shake my fist at them? Did I mention there were 12-15 of them? I finally throw on my coat and with adrenaline pumping through my body I yell down the stairs to what appears to be a sober party-goer, "unhappy neighbor!" I don't know, it came to me. "This is unacceptable. This is not okay! 15 more minutes and I'm calling the cops!" Nice, way to use the scare tactic. The guy yells to the group -"she's going to call the cops." They shut the door. Hmph. Scare tactic works. . . . then the booming of the base.
It was the longest night. And the older I get, the harder it is to recover from sleepless nights.
C decides on Sunday it must be addressed. We first chat with the other neighbor. She too agrees this is not a frat house and this is not tolerable. The three of us head downstairs to confront the hooligans. I felt like a spinster who found her cause - there will be no loud music or f-bombs here sonny.
The new 21 year old opened the door. He took it all well and explained he had no idea what was going on at the apartment. He was passed out, after getting his teeth knocked out after a fight broke out. Sure enough, his garbled speech and defeated face said plenty.
I'm pleased to say since then, no wild parties and no loud music.
But now I'm on the other side. I'm a killjoy. I'm not going to be invited in for a cold drink... but I am going to get my 8 hours and I suppose that will have to do.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving and Orange Friday

This Thanksgiving was super chill and just perfect. There was a good turkey dinner, of course, time by the fireplace, some Atari (I may or may not rock Pole Position with my 40,000+ points), and a little reading. Good times.

On Friday, we painted a boring white wall a beautiful rusty orange.

Saturday, some friends came up and I managed to lose at Boggle and Scrabble but did manage to hold my own, eh hem, at Pole Position.

Wine Party

Christina and I had our second annual wine party. So much fun! We had a big turnout, so naturally lots of wines to try.

My Encounters

Recently, I went to the Dr's Office for an "annual." It's a dirty word and not really an enjoyable experience. I hear my name called as I wait in the lobby. I hop up, head to the door and waiting for me is an old client. There were some awkward exchanges. I minimize my discomfort as she measures my height, takes my temperature and my weight all the while wondering how I will demand she not be anymore involved in my appointment. She reports she is doing well and I try to recount her compliance. I was the most uncomfortable while she flipped through my medical file. She left to get the Dr and I didn't see her again until the end of my appointment, when she returned with a large needle - to give me a long-over-do tetanus shot. I don't "believe" in Karma, but if I did.....

While walking out of the courthouse a nice enough looking man asked me if he could exit out the employee only doors. I assist him by scanning my card. He's chatting it up on his cell, holds the door for me, finishes his phone call and then thanks me for my help. He then inquires if I will assure that he gets to his car safely. Is he flirting with me? Is he an employee? Is he a defendant who just got out of court for a violent crime? I am a "better-safe-than-sorry" kind of gal and keep things real distant, short, curt. After I shoot him down, he finally says, "do you work at probation? I just started today."
I am a jerk! I am rude! How will I ever meet nice boys if I assume they are all criminals?!

Today, while on my way out for lunch I waited at a crosswalk. Out of the blue a man stands next to me and starts conversation by telling me, "did you hear they think they found Noah's ark?" He proceeds to explains where it was found, how it was recovered from a mudslide and was pushed further down some mountain by a lava flow. Nice enough man (and after my co-worker blunder - see above - I'm working on being a little less defensive) but it was taking me off guard. He talked to me all they way across the street and a good way down the next block. "wow!" "really?!" "huh?" were my responses. I ask him, "is this breaking news today?" I thought maybe he had just seen it on fox news and couldn't wait to dialogue with someone. "No, it's been out for a while." Hmph, no explanation on why he was sharing it with me....today. Perhaps it was an exercise for an Evangelism Explosion class. He plugged a website - maybe it's his own and he wants more hits. I'm not sure... maybe he was an angel and God wanted to remind me of His promise.

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Wedding

I am pleased to write that the out of state wedding that has consumed me was a smashing success. It was my first role as a maid of honor, MOH, as my bride coined it. I will miss referring to myself as "mo." I have to say it was a lot of work, and I wasn't even around for most of the planning. But, shortly after I arrived on Wednesday until the end of Saturday, I felt like I was earning my keep. I was not prepared for what exactly a full mass would encompass and was a little overwhelmed when the rest of the wedding party sat while myself and the best man stayed with the bride and groom on the stage. It gave "standing beside you at your wedding" some serious meaning. I was close to those vows. There was plenty of discomfort upon realizing I had no program and didn't know what I should be saying, responding or singing. I did a lot of smiling. There was one part where the bride and groom went to a side room to lay a bouquet on the alter of Mary. I was to follow behind them. I felt like a strange chaperon, like they shouldn't be alone until it was all "official." According to 2 of the groomsmen I made a priceless face as I turned back toward the crowd for some sort of direction as to how long we were to hang out in this room - the three of us scratching our heads, trying to figure out when to return. I also did the horribly non-catholic response when the best man blessed me with with a "peace be with you" I replied, "thanks." What a goon! We rode to the church and reception in a pimped out limo. I do love the limo - but always struggle to climb in and out without flashing everyone. I was also responsible for trailing behind the bride, carrying her train. It's a humbling experience... and I had to ignore the photos being taken which I'm sure are not the least bit flattering of me - it wasn't my day. I was nervous about my toast - but feel I did well, and strangely enough, had guests tell me it was one of the better MOH toasts they've heard. It must be the influence of my Toastmaster attending father and I'm sure the drink beforehand didn't hurt. There was a great dance hall and the groom had a big turnout of highschool friends - so the dance floor was packed. I even got to slow dance with the best man, who was gentleman enough to ask me. Totally weird to watch your junior highschool friend get married. You say things like, "when I get married, you're like totally going to be my maid of honor" when you're 12 - but when it's actually happening it's fairly surreal.
I did really well being very happy for them throughout the whole weekend. It wasn't until Sunday morning, while I waited 3 hours at the airport, emotionally and physically exhausted, that I began to feel sorry for myself, for being single, feeling overlooked and somewhat hopeless, and I silently balled as I watched planes land and take off. Very dramatic. No worries... a couple of naps and a layover later and I was mostly recovered. No one deserves love, it is a blessing. Should we all be lucky enough to find it.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

To the supervisors

To the supervisor who came into my office while I was on my lunch break, looking in a small compact to assess the situation of dry skin on my nose after a couple of days of extreme sneezing and running noseyness, I was not picking my nose. I'm afraid the way I jumped when I saw you see me may have indicated guilt and I did not address it at the time for fear it would be more incriminating to stammer an explanation about dry skin while you were asking me an important work-related question. I think it's clear you misunderstood the situation when you later apologized for interrupting me.

To the other supervisor who came into the the seemingly abandoned hallway, I was simply adjusting my undershirt. I'm afraid the frown on your face indicates you thought I may have been doing otherwise. I did not address it at the time for fear it would be more awkward to explain such down the length of the hallway. I will save such adjustments for the semi-privacy of my own office.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Lumberjack junction

The parents asked for our help with their property north of town. Our mission: clear the land of fallen trees. My personal goal: learn to use a chainsaw. As soon as I saw my dad going to it, I was overwhelmed with the desire to get behind the saw and feel the power. My first couple of trees were awkward, but I got the feel for it and have to say - good times. We spent last Sunday afternoon up there...and most of today. Exhausting work, but somehow good work. There is something about the kind of work you can see progress over the course of hours. I find it particularly fulfilling after a week appointments where one can only conclude, "you can't predict human behavior." That doesn't stack up to a pile of wood, a sawed dead tree, or a cleared forest floor. A little exercise and some fresh mountain air and well....some donuts.

Sunday, I ignorantly brought jeans to wear. My mom said, "are you sure that's what you want to wear up there? Are you sure you don't want some sweatpants?" She returned with a classic pair: teal in color, white drawstring and taper, elastic ankles. I completed the outfit with a flannel shirt with undertones of teal...and orange....and purple. At times, lost in my comfort (let's admit it folks, there was a reason why some of us wore sweatpants out and around...in public. They're comfortable) I would look down to see myself in these sweats and begin to feel slightly ill. Today, I updated my look with a pair of yoga pants. Wider legged, black. And I'm shocked to say it, but the sweatpants are by far the better lumberyard attire. With a tight elasticized ankle, there were no concerns of creepy crawling things making their way up my leg - not so with the yoga pant....it was like an invitation. Also, the sweatpant is made of a good sturdy material. They made it through some intense log dragging. I'm afraid my yoga pants tore after some rough branch encounters.

I'm sure we were quite a sight and can only hope the neighbors will give us the benefit of the doubt and assume we can clean up nicely. Dena - you were missed. We could've used your muscle.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

So that's how it works

As I left the courtroom yesterday, the private defense attorney thanked me...not the response I normally get for my work, as it is typically in opposition of their argument. We rode the elevator down together. He gave a heavy sigh and I made some comment about imagining he's ready to be done with the case, as it has been in and out of court for over a year. "yes, it's the kind of case no attorney wants." "Why's that?" "No one wants to defend a case where you think the guy is innocent."
There was a duh moment for me, followed by, "You prefer to defend guys you know are guilty?!"
His non-chalant response? "Oh no! I'd rather not know either way."

Monday, October 01, 2007


If I were the photographer for "Glamour" and I toted my camera around, these are the scenes from my weekend travel time that would be printed with black bars over the faces of the offenders:

The woman in the seat next to me who berated her teenager on the phone about applications, previous jobs at Subway and letting Mrs. SoanSo know she was used as a reference, Telling her daughter she cannot hear her and will call back when she lands....only for her to call her daughter back immediately, continue with a new thought and then complain she can't hear her.

The older women in the same row who was clipping her fingernails....in public!....in a small and controlled environment!.....with no where for some of us to run to escape!...clip*clip*clip!

The man at Gate C26 who was playing with his naked toes while he waited to hear if flight 829 would leave on time.

The young woman who whipped out decadently delicious bridal shower treats like quiche, fresh veggies, a cupcake, and cocoa dusted truffles and ate while others watched. Okay....I'm guilty!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My age

So the other day, in an appointment, one of my probationers mentions he went to a concert.
"Who did you see?" I ask. I have, you know, been active in the music scene and all, lately. He mentions the name of some man... or band I have never heard of. I gave him a blank stare and casually said, "hmph, haven't heard of th-him..." His response? "oh, come on, sure you have.... you're as old as I am...you're what? 41? 42?"
What am I to do with this? Run out and grab some "Timewise" at the next Mary Kay party? Rummage through the anti-aging aisle in the grocery store? Never leave my home....as I'm bound to be in it...alone....for the rest of my life?

I suppose I could let it go and tell myself he's a crazy man and out of his mind, which isn't too far off. Yes, that's what I'll go with.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I went to a wedding this weekend and I saw a lot precious friends. Thursday some of us got together for coffee and we chatted I realized I was the only one without any children... I did alot of listening that evening and felt like I am light years behind the others. So good to see each other and hear what we're all up to. We laughed over some memories, shared some of the burdens of life and I thanked God for these friendships with depth.

Here are some shots of the dance floor - nothing like good dancing at a wedding... I may, or may not have broken out in a little bit of a glisten. The ceremony occurred outside where two deer watched nearby and apples fell from a tree. The bride and groom looked great and like they were having a great time... isn't that the ideal?

On Saturday, Vicki and I headed up to the cabin, chilled to some John Denver and then did a little off-roading into the 11-mile canyon. Beautiful!

This week I head to DC for the bridal shower of the century. Here is my bridal shower in a box...complete with homemade bath salts for the guests, which will be wrapped in a chinese take out box with pink rice instead of tissue paper....too cute. I've gotten super crafty for this thing and I have found a new excitement about being creative... it might be time to look into getting that Martha Stewart Living subscription renewed. The bachelorette party will be just as detailed for a Matt-a-thon to tie in the bride and groom's love for running. Our bride will get stickers of her beau, Matt, for each milemarker she completes!!! I even found some glow sticks at the dollar store! DC here I come!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Monolith Festival

2 whole days of rock n' roll!

S and I bought tickets for the first day, and through some of her connections, got tickets in the second day (the disappointment of not getting the promised VIP passes lasted only a couple of hours).

RedRocks is incredible. I don't need to tell you this, if you've been, but if you've never experienced live music, while sitting in a geological wonder, you haven't lived.

There were an overwhelming 5 stages at this festival. In an over-the-top moment I recreated a spreadsheet to determine which bands were playing when...then S and I did our homework to rank the must-sees. It may or may not have been laminated with tape to protect it from the elements. Even with the preperation, it was really difficult to see it all without missing anything and then, inevitably regretting not catching some band.


Getting super crafty before the festival and making my own "Rock Princess" tank top, thanks to the local craft store and the ease of iron-ons. Now here's to hoping the mustard from my delic hot dog comes out.

Kings of Leon (my weeks of listening to their 3 albums totally payed off, as I recognized all the songs and did my best to sing the lyrics when possible) totally rocked.

Ghostland Observatory was the most fascinating to watch - the skinny jean wearing lead singer, with braided pigtails and curiously feminine moves. I was a total imposter fan and pretended to know the words to their rocking song.

Meeting the rock star of "No More Kings," after missing his show and then affirming to him that he did have a smiley face next to his name on our spreadsheet. Took picture with singer and hope to see it on his website some day.

Realizing during the Cake show, that having not kept up with them since the 90's was totally okay, as they played most of their songs from their "Fashion Nugget" album.

Meeting various people in the biz.

Struggling to understand the crowd's fascination with "The Flaming Lips" until the lead singer came out in a huge bubble and kind of crowd surfed and then sent huge balloons down through the crowd from above.

Living on the edge and sneaking in contraband, to avoid paying steep prices for beverages.

Sitting back, taking in the sun, people watching, the rocks and the rock n' roll.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Porch Cinema

Summer is coming to an end. That was evident when I learned Starbucks was offering their pumpkin spice latte again. You can't fight against clear signs of fall such as that. I've had a great and busy summer. Here are some of my late summer favorites:

Porch Cinema:

Our apartment is unbearable on the hottest summer days. Even at night, it is roasting. On several occassions (usually Sunday nights) I plugged in some latern lights, the laptap and dragged out my pa-pa-san chair. Ahhhh, a movie on the porch. Perfect. The fresh air, the summer smells and something dramatic on the screen. Only one time the dvd would not play and in a moment of rage and desperation I lugged the entire tv and dvd player.... and it was totally worth it I might add.

Cabin Retreats:

The drive is half the fun, with the perfect scenery and the mountain air. I've taken up reading as a determined hobby and found the cabin the perfect place to sit back and enter another scene, character and storyline.

The Balloon Festival:

I love to watch the balloons lift off. Every early morning that I've done it, it has seemed like a ridiculous idea to get up before the sun, but by the time I have a cup of coffee in my hand, watch the sun rise as balloons take flight....there is simply no better way to spend labor day weekend. I love the bright colors of the balloons, to cheer the ones that make the dip into prospect lake and I love to be inspired to "some day" experience if from a basket, with a bird's eye view.

Men are from Mumsville

I have just come from a night of home visits with 2 officers. I'm not going to lie.... I thought I might arrive to find not 1 but 2 single officers that might fight for my affections. I arrived to find two "settled" men and no personality. In their defense, they'd worked a full day and this was extra duty.
When I've gone on home visits with a female co-worker, we dish. "So, this guy's done this and this and lives with so and so and you'll never believe what he said this one time." Not so with my two fellas. It was purely logistical with them - "where to next? you got a map on this guy?" No chit chat about life stories or compliance. No one discussed the guy who is dating/living with an older woman (I restrained myself from saying something about Mrs Robinson) and no one chatted about the lady who wanted the scoop on her next door neighbors. I was in anti-process world. It was painful for me. The couple of times I said something (that I thought was hilarious) it totally fell flat. By mid trip I sat silently in the back of the car, listening to the country music and some of their talk about schedules and motorcycles.
Not all was lost; It was a productive night. I found two guys drinking and had the joy of watching them pour out their alcohol; I saw one of my guys shirtless (nice spider tatoo, dude) and a woman came out of a hallway with a back scratcher arched up as if she might use it as a weapon.
Safety is nothing to bulk at, I just wish it came with some dialogue and dish.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Every step you take...

Last week I had an appointment with a "client." Later in the day, I received a mass emailing explaining that someone leaving our office had stolen property?! The description matched my John Doe. Get out! I went to a supervisor and together we went downstairs, to security. "You think you know the guy." "Yep, sounds like one of mine..."

We were taken down the security hallway and into the surveillance room. It was the ultimate experience for me. I love to see what is on the other side of a door, or how something works...I want the inside scoop on it all.

Oh my lands! The inside scoop is freaking me out! There were countless monitors all with multiples scenes from within and outside the courthouse. My focus was not on my deviant offender, but instead on the numerous occasions I have adjusted myself, and my undergarments in seemingly "empty" hallways. "Oh my goodness, eh hem, I'm feeling very uncomfortable - you guys have cameras everywhere!" "Ahh, you feel that way now, but if you're ever in a situation when you need help....." I wonder how many ankle and eye rolls security has captured. I wonder if anyone saw me fall down those stairs that one time... no one came to my rescue then. I was relieved to find no images of the bathrooms...I know, I know, but you always wonder.

Since my impromptu tour of big brother's looming watch, I find myself a bit more robotic. With very precise moves. And a temptation to smile for the cameras.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


...and I would not want to forget to include the delightful time I had in the back seat of the car, on our way back to Colorado, finding things in the clouds. I had the most perfect clouds all weekend. I saw a flying pig, a shoe and Zeus, among other things that I can't remember at this moment. I found it easier to use my imagination after a day in galleries looking at nonsensical pieces or those that stretched my typically logical way of seeing things. These were just pictures from my backseat view....you will not find Zeus in these shots.

Santa Fe

This weekend I took a mini road trip with 2 friends to Santa Fe. I could've stayed so much longer! -More time for the plaza and the surrounding shops, more time on Canyon Road and in the galleries, more time at the spa, not to mention the recommendations of things to be seen outside the town!
Some of the highlights from my trip:

We arrived late on Friday night to be told there was "no room in the inn." The hotel booted us out and gave us directions to another hotel in town, which did not meet the expectations of fluffy beds and a spacious room. Made the most of it and got a couple of free breakfasts out of it (and hopefully a free night).
Went to the churches in town and saw the "amazing staircase." The church reminded me of the Notre Dame - the kind of place where tourism has taken over any hope of worship or reverence. Perused the plaza, where there was a market with lots of things to want to buy: art, jewelry, and fancy hats.
Went to galleries, one in particular was amazing, with a moving exhibit of historical photographs. http://www.monroegallery.com/showcase/index.cfm (We were complaining of poor treatment while on Canyon Road and then we walked into a gallery where a woman asked if we were artists or if we had a collection of work, or wanted to begin one. Imagine! A collection of beautiful artwork....someday! No offense to Christina, of course, who has contributed to our apartment with some of her great works. )
Went to a FABULOUS spa. We started with a private bath - because we couldn't handle the thought of hanging out (and I mean hanging) in a pool of water with naked strangers - where we all sat modestly in our bathing suits, some talking, praying, singing and some silence. Then we made our way to our treatments. I got an "indo-asian massage." So amazing! Hot oil and a powder mixed to a soft scrub and then an herbal wrap, complete with cucumber eye treatment- I've got to figure out how to makes this a frequent experience in my life. The fact that Schelau was laying in the same room naked was almost unnoticeable until it came time for the rinse off - I'll spare details, but tell you it was hilarious.
Ate some great food to include lavender ice cream, yum!
Went to El Foral, a bar/restaurant, and listened to live music by, possibly, the worst band I have ever heard - but got out on the dance floor and had fun anyway!
Who says we're too old for temporary glitter tattoos?

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Teller Times

This weekend my dearest friend Stephanie and I spent the weekend at the cabin. Every time I take the hour drive up to the mountains and spend time out of town, I question why I don't do it more. I instantly become drowsy once at the cabin and find that naps are a requirement when spending time up there. Steph is a mom of 2 young boys and so, for 3 years now, we plan a weekend where can just be and hang out. This year, mom invited us to join her at the Teller County Pancake breakfast which supports the local volunteer fire department. After breakfast we went on a tour with the historical society. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but was impressed with what I learned.

We toured the old school house, where they taught from the late 1800's until 1960! It was super cute and just what you'd imagine a small town school house to look like.

We toured a Victorian ranch home, complete with stories of ghosts and murders! The woman who lives in the home is a local historian and has even written a book....I walked through her home, in her bathroom. A voyeur's dream come true.

We went on a tour of the local cemetery with the headstones of icons of the time and sad stories of children dying from the numerous diseases.

Some on the tour were out in full dress.

Fortunately I grabbed my camera - it was a great day to take some photos.

Here's Mom & Me and Mom & Steph.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sleepy Head

I am so confused this morning. This morning I woke up in the middle of a dream and at this moment, hours later, I am still terribly confused. Did I or did I not take a shower in a garage with a moving door which put me at risk for exposing myself to the co-ed crowd outside? And did I or did I not dig through my bottom drawer of jeans to discover that my younger sister had taken them and now I had nothing to wear? And could this have anything to do with making reservations just yesterday, for a spa in Santa Fe or that I spent time last night with one of my junior high students who was talking about sharing clothes with her sister and not being able to find things that had been borrowed? I’m kind of feeling like the only way to combat this would be to close my eyes for a little bit and try to get some things resolved in my head. That’s not going to happen anytime soon. On my way into the courthouse today, one of the attorneys said, “Wow, you look tired today!” Thanks buddy.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Yee Haw!

So I love this time of the year....the Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo strolls into town and for the last couple of years Christina has gotten tickets because of her fabulous job and their affiliation with the rodeo AND she has been kind and generous enough to invite me. Last month they had the street breakfast downtown, on Tejon street. For $5 you get an egg and pancake
breakfast, served up by some of the local army guys, live music and the opportunity to sit on bails of hay. There is a parade (which I missed this year) and a cattle run downtown. I walked out of work the other day and stumbled onto some livestock. It wasn't until I talked to my friend in Seattle that I was reminded it isn't everywhere that herds of cattle are sent down city streets.

My love for rodeos started a couple years back when my dad invited me to join him at the Western Stock Show (which is in Denver every Martin Luther King Jr Day weekend). We check out the livestock and the goods and we go to the rodeo. That year, we just happened to get great seats near where the buckin' broncos and bulls are .... it was perfect and close to all the action. It's a tradition now, and I look forward to it.
I love the romantic idealized cowboy lifestyle, the work-with-your-hands mentality and grass roots feel of it all. The cowboys themselves aren't bad to look at either and there is something about watching a man with a well-trained herder dog, or prize winning bull, or impressive riding abilities that is attractive.

This year mom and dad joined us. The VIP food was great, and the weather (despite threats of rain) was perfect.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

5K Princess Warriors

Here we are week #1. (from left: Schelau, Jana)

Woohoo! I did it! We did it! 5 weeks. In a row. 5 kilometers.

Insert tune from My Fair Lady: "They said he couldn't do it but he did it, he did it. They said he couldn't do it but indeed he did!"

The first week, a whole 5 weeks ago, I began with fear - what if it is horrible? Impossible? or What if I don't finish?
The fifth week, on this very night, I began with fear - what if it is horrible? Impossible? or What if I don't make it?

Pasha! It was totally not horrible and we totally made it!

I'll admit the t-shirt ceremony was a little anti-climatical - there were a lot recipients and by the time the T's rolled around, it was old news. There also wasn't a group photo, and I'm not ashamed to say I was looking forward to that. BUT! I did receive my official shirt - a true sign that I did it! Let me just point out (and toot my own horn) that I, a non-runner, at times lazy, and not a goal setter put on game face every Tuesday for 5 weeks and ran 5 kilometers each week...in a row! I am going to say it: I am a princess warrior.

And so I would like to thank:
Jack Quinn's - for the 5k, of course. All the runners who ran by my apartment
challenging me during my denial stage. Bristol Brewing, who makes such a darned good beer that a cold Beehive is totally worth the effort. Apple for creating the ipod - which not only gave me the beats but a handy little stopwatch, as well. All the artists who inspired me to climb the hill - you know who you are. (let us not forget the generous ex-boyfriend who gave the gift of the ipod and the initial anger drive to run). My friends Sarah and Vicki, who have been avid runners for quite some time and were an inspiration. My running (read: jogging) partner Schelau - I wouldn't have done it if I didn't have someone to do it with; thank you for your commitment despite rain, discomfort and pain, and for the knuckle bumps ~ which meant everything to me.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Independance Day

I love days off in the summer. I wish there were more. I know I complained about having a day off in the middle of the week, and I felt the pangs of exhaustion on Thursday but...still a day off and that, my friends is a beautiful thing. I started the day early with Christina and Schelau. We had a delic breakfast at Adams Mountain Cafe. Then, we went on a hike: Section 16. Phew! If that ain't mountain hiking, I don't know what is. The views are so beautiful that it is worth every strain and bead of sweat.

Our tough hike was followed by some hot dogs and potato chips, true 4th of July style. Although there was no propane, so the dogs were broiled. Then, we sat in the hot tub. Great fun and the perfect followup from the hike. By evening we headed down to Manitou Springs and watched the fireworks. It was a nice change from the usual Memorial Park crowd and we were able to chill out and get comfortable on the sidewalk. The excitement really came when a drunken motorcyclist whizzed out in front of me and then got so upset at me that he stopped in the middle of traffic (which required a freakish slam on the brakes). He then yelled at me and finally veered off the road. Geesh!

Anyway, God bless America!