Friday, June 17, 2005

Golden Trough

So, of all the glamorous restaurants in town, of all the places to feel special on your birthday, Ch chooses to eat at the Golden Corral. "Why?!" I asked her a number of times - but to no avail...her heart was set. I used to have an aversion to buffets, they would make me nervous. People standing behind you waiting for you to get out of the way so they can get what they want...the pressure was too much, and almost inevitably I would crack and spill things, drop olives, lettuce flying - really a sad scene. It might have something to do with an experience at Bonanza as a small child. I was looking for the best pieces of lettuce at the salad bar and was scolded by a woman about playing in the food. It shook my world, and think I even cried.
I've overcome most of those feelings and can handle the buffet like an adult - although I noticed last night that I kind of mumble to myself, "Oh my, oops, dropped a bit over there." Even, or especially, when there is no one around to hear me.
I do become concerned when I look around at buffets - "all you can eat" - really does encourage over-eating and over-eaters are abundant. I can't judge them, I too was an over-eater last night. It is far worse than even Thanksgiving - at least at those huge meals at home, you know you can have some more tomorrow, in fact the less you eat today, the more you'll have for lunch the rest of the week. Not at buffets, no take home boxes, if you want your money's worth, it's going out in your belly. Well, my belly was jam-packed, eating things out of obligation, eating things because they were there, eating things because that's what you do at these places. "Get we get some more plates? More rolls?" It was a great time, although everyone left feeling uncomfortable, needing to lay down, unbutton things, and swearing off meals for a week. -J

Thursday, June 16, 2005


Howdy!! I just wanted to say thanks now for the great evening I will have tonight. Gorging myself in the presence a great family and friend. Ca- Thanks for the call today!! Love you bunches and J and I plan to call you and gush about how excited we are about our trip!

Today at work, the ladies celebrated for me by having a themed party. They brought in all sorts of olives and cheeses and non-alcoholic drinks for us to try. It was fabulously fun and made me feel special.

Love you all!!


Monday, June 13, 2005

Mr. No Game

I met a boy at a bar. I know, it is absolutely not recommended. I know these things, but can't help but discover them on my own. Same with dating co-workers: DON'T DO IT! Everyone knows that, but I had to learn the hard way. I am a very responsible, practical girl - but when it comes to dating, I really compromise what I know is best. It's just the pickings are so slim! Where is a girl supposed to meet a boy? There aren't any prospects at church, they don't approach in the produce aisles anymore, on-line has not worked for me, and I can't stand WalMart (,2933,157073,00.html) as is.
So I had had some drinks, Mr. No Game was a really nice guy, we chatted a bit, and before the end of the night he asked for my number...and then he called?! We went out a couple of times - again, a nice guy, but no game. It's the trait you think you will miss the least, especially if you've been fortunate enough to date a player. But a guy with no game just isn't attractive. He lacks smoothness, finesse, and that Rico Suaveness that really makes a man a bit more desirable. "Self, don't be so tough on the guy. So he can't handle a phone conversation, so he can't think outside of the 'want to meet for coffee for the third time?' box - doesn't mean he isn't a good guy." I stepped out of my comfortable bubble and decided to ask him out for a Saturday morning outing, shake things up a bit. I called him mid-week and asked him if he wanted to go the Farmer's Market and then hang out in Old Colorado City. His response? "uh, well, it's only Wednesday, I don't normally, uh, make plans for Saturday until Friday night." As it turns out, I rated slightly below a kegger. Mr. No Game explained to me much later that week, that he was going to a kegger and wouldn't be able to get up Saturday before 11:00am. Woa - and I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes I should go with the gut. -J