Monday, June 13, 2005

Mr. No Game

I met a boy at a bar. I know, it is absolutely not recommended. I know these things, but can't help but discover them on my own. Same with dating co-workers: DON'T DO IT! Everyone knows that, but I had to learn the hard way. I am a very responsible, practical girl - but when it comes to dating, I really compromise what I know is best. It's just the pickings are so slim! Where is a girl supposed to meet a boy? There aren't any prospects at church, they don't approach in the produce aisles anymore, on-line has not worked for me, and I can't stand WalMart (,2933,157073,00.html) as is.
So I had had some drinks, Mr. No Game was a really nice guy, we chatted a bit, and before the end of the night he asked for my number...and then he called?! We went out a couple of times - again, a nice guy, but no game. It's the trait you think you will miss the least, especially if you've been fortunate enough to date a player. But a guy with no game just isn't attractive. He lacks smoothness, finesse, and that Rico Suaveness that really makes a man a bit more desirable. "Self, don't be so tough on the guy. So he can't handle a phone conversation, so he can't think outside of the 'want to meet for coffee for the third time?' box - doesn't mean he isn't a good guy." I stepped out of my comfortable bubble and decided to ask him out for a Saturday morning outing, shake things up a bit. I called him mid-week and asked him if he wanted to go the Farmer's Market and then hang out in Old Colorado City. His response? "uh, well, it's only Wednesday, I don't normally, uh, make plans for Saturday until Friday night." As it turns out, I rated slightly below a kegger. Mr. No Game explained to me much later that week, that he was going to a kegger and wouldn't be able to get up Saturday before 11:00am. Woa - and I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes I should go with the gut. -J

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