Saturday, October 20, 2007

To the supervisors

To the supervisor who came into my office while I was on my lunch break, looking in a small compact to assess the situation of dry skin on my nose after a couple of days of extreme sneezing and running noseyness, I was not picking my nose. I'm afraid the way I jumped when I saw you see me may have indicated guilt and I did not address it at the time for fear it would be more incriminating to stammer an explanation about dry skin while you were asking me an important work-related question. I think it's clear you misunderstood the situation when you later apologized for interrupting me.

To the other supervisor who came into the the seemingly abandoned hallway, I was simply adjusting my undershirt. I'm afraid the frown on your face indicates you thought I may have been doing otherwise. I did not address it at the time for fear it would be more awkward to explain such down the length of the hallway. I will save such adjustments for the semi-privacy of my own office.


Anonymous said...

hahaha!!!! awkward!!!

Blythe Owen Hunt said...

what the heck?! your faithful readers need an update!!