Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving and Orange Friday

This Thanksgiving was super chill and just perfect. There was a good turkey dinner, of course, time by the fireplace, some Atari (I may or may not rock Pole Position with my 40,000+ points), and a little reading. Good times.

On Friday, we painted a boring white wall a beautiful rusty orange.

Saturday, some friends came up and I managed to lose at Boggle and Scrabble but did manage to hold my own, eh hem, at Pole Position.


Cadenabeana said...

I have decided that you should not be proud or gloat about a game that is titled, cough**cough "Pole Position." OK..Thanks, it is all out of love. I just don't want you walking up to random men, even if they look like gamers- you know those hard core ATARI types..."So you wanna see my pole position...." or "I score better on the pole game" or... Thank you. My point exactly.

Anonymous said...

An exciting time was had by all !!
The cabin looks amazing....
thanks to a great color selection and talented women with a paint brush.

When we gonna paint the house?