Tuesday, January 08, 2008


in Starbucks just this morning near a group of young female highschoolers.

"Do you like know who is dating Scott? Because I was like talking to Bethany and she was like talking about they have sex on the weekends and stuff." "OMG really?!"

"My mom is like totally not letting me stay home - 'cause she like caught on that I would fake sick. OMG, you'd think she would've figured it out like a year ago."


Anonymous said...

WHOH~!!!!!! Frightening! Where are these parents and where did they fall off the turnip truck?!?!? Maybe they're lost in the middle of the 1950's.

Cadenabeana said...

The parents are working there 60 hour work week. Going out to drinks for happy hour and then heading home while the girls are at their sports games. In all efforts of being great guiding lights to their kids, as they miss every waking moment of the youth's life and at some point in the future when the kids are getting married or having children of their own they will take a far too late step back and say "Oh my gosh, where did the years go? I remember when I brought you home from the hospital."