Monday, July 09, 2007

If you recall, I was recently informed that I had 3 cavities. I set my appointment to get them all filled at once. That way there's just one horrible experience associated with stress and pain, instead of multiple visits. I arrived to my appointment and was whisked away to my chair and the tech explained, as she handed me a remote, that I could watch whatever I'd like and to get comfortable. TV? cool! In addition to the stress of dentist drama, I was now having a difficult time deciding what I would watch during this process. I had all the choices of cable, none the less. Nothing I'd really want to see, as I was sure to be distracted; I didn't want to be the cliche chick, tuning in to the "Wedding Story," and nothing I could watch at home. "Dirty Jobs" was the winner. I've only seen a couple episodes and it's one of those shows that makes me want to get cable. I watched for a bit and the assistant made a comment about my choice. She's also a fan of the show. My dentist is running behind so I have plenty of time to get comfortable...and more nervous. "Dirty Jobs" is not show enough to completely distract me from why I'm here.

Finally, he comes in and we begin the process. He too points out that so many of his patients choose "educational" shows. The experience begins with two nasty numbing shots and lots of drilling.

TV has crept into our lives everywhere. It is no longer reserved for family time in the den. Kids have their own tvs in their rooms, they are strapped to seats in cars and minivans, even at restaurants and the bars conversation competes with whats on the boob tube, not to mention, catching flicks on cell phones and ipods. And it is no different at the dentist's office. While Dr. Drill Bit was grinding at my teeth, I could see the tech dazed by the images on the screen. And while the tech held the light on my tooth (to harden the filling) my dentist turned his attention to the dirty job on screen. I found myself getting super agitated. I couldn't even see the tv, much less care to watch it. I felt very compelled to pay attention with what was going on in my mouth...too bad my professionals weren't. If I could have reached the remote, I would have shut it off immediately and scolded something reminiscent of my mother, "No more tv until you've done your chores!"

1 comment:

Cadenabeana said...

But the show is awesome!!! I am sorry, I probably would have been distracted from your teeth also. I mean, you were so distracted for 28 years that they were at the point were they needed fillings...come on now, what is another 28 minutes to finish the show. Ya'know?