Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Fellowship of the Singles

I find myself more often than ever before identifying with the soul of The Lone Ranger. Seeking to "save others" but not be saved myself. I don't need it.. I am the ...."LONE RANGER"!!! Until nights that I am sitting in a Bible Study with women who are my friends and the feelings of needing to keep spiritually hidden becomes a noose around my neck. I just want blab it all out, let them know about how I am feeling, where I feeling I am struggling, how dark it seems sometimes in this relationship with Christ. It should be pink bubbles and always a sunny day. Tonight was one of those nights... we are going through Living in Light, a devotional put out by World Harvest Mission. It was written with a new believer in mind but let me tell you, for all the decades that I have had a personal relationship with Christ, I have never been faced with the fact that I didn't know what that meant outside of eternity. He died so that I may live. I never assigned that to how I am living now. Isn't that where the Holy Spirit takes over and gives Jesus the "night" off?

So this books is slowly taking the black coated glasses off and forcing us to recognize the immensity of God's sacrificial love for us and how that looks every single day of our lives whether we see it or not. For example, during the hours of 12:00AM to 12:00AM twenty four hours later is the sun shining? Yes.. even on a cloudy day, even if you live in AK, even if you are blind.. the sun will always shine because it is always shining, irregardless of what you are experiencing, seeing and feeling. Now substitute in the place of the sun God's love, patience, grace with us. No matter the time of day, where you are in life, how dark it seems...God's love has never changed. That's what Christ has done on our behalf, he has made it possible for us to live in such a light.

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