Monday, April 14, 2008

Dial Up

Uncle Sam has paid up and I am currently in a situation with some extra funds (I know, claiming zero is ludicrous but I don't mind Unkie making interest off my money, if it wasn't for the government holding my funds, it would have been spent on big macs and itunes months ago. The government is my savings account...what could be wrong with that?). After an evening on my parent's computer (is it rude to excuse yourself from company to enjoy high speed connection?) I'm thinking now is the time to invest in a real computer with a real internet connection. Have we discussed the woes of dial-up?

All this to say that uploading photos is a here are some recaps:
Here are those valentine's day projects I talked about
Here's a picture from a solo hike at Garden of the Gods
Dad made a home brew... it turned out pretty good. The pale ale went down easy considering it was brewed in the garage. He had a little shindig and showed off his new talent/hobby. Here he is...proud of his fermenting skills.
And I think the black bar speaks for itself here:


Cadenabeana said...

LOL!!! Black bar, what not to do, for sure!!
And I think that the investment in the computer would be fantastic. Get a laptop with the imbedded video, speaker and sound!! Then we skype!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Now I realize the shoes your sister was wearing!!! I thought she had ginormous slippers on...nope. Worse. What parents do to their children!

Anonymous said...

hey!! I thought you were going to do a story on Z-coil, I just look ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

I thought you were showing off those great hips your mamma gave you!

Guess who? You are right, your mamma! But after that photo, I don't know who you are...