Thursday, May 15, 2008


Today's walk to work was a little crazy. It is cold and damp so I wore a sweater and two blocks into it, overheated. The wind was crazy; I saw my reflection in a tinted bank window and wondered why I had bothered doing my hair and spending so much time trying to get some volume, as I could see it was flying around my head.

I stopped into the Starbucks (I've officially stopped trying to make my own coffee in the mornings). This woman practically attacked me. "Oh my gosh! I just LOVE your bag! Where ever did you get your bag?!?!" I was taken aback. It is a nice bag - thanks to my friend Kristin for this birthday gift, but not the kind of bag people stop you to ask about. "oh, thanks" "WHERE did you get IT?!?!" "umm, it was a gift, maybe Old Navy or Target?" I was still smoothing out my crazy windblown hair.... and then I saw it, the button's gold sheen shining in the light of the Starbucks track lighting. Then it came, "WELL! I am with Mary Kay and I would just LOVE to give you a free facial!"

I felt dirty and used instantly. She didn't like my bag! A younger Jana would have felt obligated to give her my info, then get a facial, or avoid her phone calls. Not today - today I thought, you can't go around giving people false compliments, then trying to get their business. She didn't take my first "no" and I had to explain to her that I had already used her product, that it was no good for me and that I was not interested... that I would not be contributing toward her pink Cadillac.


Cadenabeana said...

She should be ashamed of herself... when she does get that car, I hope she feels dirty for all of the sneaky ways that she made sales.
Those darnded facials, cause after they give you one, it is not like you can not buy something; the obligation factor makes you buy the lip liner you will never use but it is the only thing that you can afford.

Anonymous said...

Never feel obligation to those blood suckers!!! I'm glad you did not feel like you needed to give her follow up information. They use false flattery to seduce unsuspecting women to purchase expensive make up. *shaking head* Be strong Sister!