Thursday, May 22, 2008

I'm in the mood for...

So what road trip is complete without a gas store trinket? Christina spotted the mood rings and beckoned me over. "$1.95 for a mood ring? - what a steal!" I promptly bought one for each of us (Cadena - hate to ruin the surprise but give it time - you'll have your own mystical ring in no time). I haven't had such an interactive piece of jewelry in like, ever! I find myself gazing at it throughout the day and I get excited when I see extreme changes in the colors within minutes. I went from a calm dark blue to, wow, a pearly green - whatever could this mean?!


Cadenabeana said...

reminds me of those shots of the newly engaged finger...oooh look at the rock he gave me, he must really love me!!! WAY COOLER!! I mean diamonds are forever (the same) and these change color!!!! Can't wait!!

Cadenabeana said...


I am still waiting on this?!?!