Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Purple is the new green

In effort to save on gas, do my part to ward off the evils of global warming, and because the parking garage is closed downtown (which would result in me walking just as far if I drove and had to search for a parking spot on the street), I've been walking to work. It's been fabulous. I get some fresh air in morning, a little exercise and a chance to start my morning in a less hurried way (one can only walk so fast). So far, the weather has been accommodating. Some mornings I stop for coffee, some I listen to my ipod and others I take note of the new displays in the cute boutiques. I am okay being the lady in the sneakers with a skirt on, or in flip flops with my suit...
This morning was a little less glamorous... with the downpour I had to plan ahead. I shouldn't wear any dry clean only pants - they'd get soaked. I shouldn't wear a normal coat - it would be heavy and wet. I shouldn't wear my sneakers - they would get squeaky. I went for a skirt and my chacos, with a fashionable hoodie rain pull-over. It was a struggle to find a working umbrella and I was on my way. I will admit I was a little nervous to leave my umbrella at the door of Starbucks today - it was a rough crowd. Would one of them run off with my umbrella for their own protection? Thank goodness it was still sitting there after my conversation with some guys decked out in camouflage wanting to discuss their surprise at the price of a coffee maker, "for that much, that thing had better drive!"
My fault today was that I didn't account for the temperatures. It was cold and I could barely feel my toes by the time I arrived at the courthouse. I think I might look into some rain boots for this spring season.

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