Friday, January 26, 2007

Quotes to live by

says the guy in AA : well, when you're talking to the higher power (he points up); he doesn't want you acting like an a**hole.

says the girl with a meth problem: I am completely against alcohol. It is the most dangerous thing and totally legal. It is disgusting!

the conservative heterosexual about the homosexual (in a southern kermit the frog timbre): Now miss, I'm a man married to a woman and that's the way it should be. Look here, even the plug socket has female and male parts. You can't have electricity if there ain't a female and a male part. Now how they gonna tell me to let the dog moo.

the sketchy guy trying to get in good with the po: I want to get this case taken care of. I don't want to get in trouble and you have to spank me.

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