Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Pesky Lil Critters

I've been having this nagging feeling lately. That sensation you get when you know you're forgetting something. It has escaped your mind, you can't put your finger on it, but you know you are forgetting something. I figured it out today....
My hand gently brushed my chin. And there it was....I did put my finger on it. It was that darned chin hair. Despite the harrar of having a chin hair that grows long, thick and black, there are times I can forget about. Unlike eyebrows that grow unruly and look at you each time you glance into the mirror, the ghastly chin hair hides itself in a place one rarely gets a good look. The hard truth is that others do get a look at this region. For instance, anytime I'm in a car and the sun is setting, it is a sure bet my passenger is getting a look at the soft fuzz on my chin and neck as they glisten in the rays of the light, I can only imagine what the wirey black hair is doing. By the time I found it today, it was clear it has been some time since I had remembered it last. Maybe I should set a date for it in my day planner - "let's see, this Thursday I need to check the progress on c.h."
I fear if I have no reminder to yank it from its place, this travesty could occur again...and things could get hairy.


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Anonymous said...

Oh, oh, oh, J!!! So funny, so true! It's a treat to read reality from your site! ~ SB