Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Off Road is Off the Chain

I bought my jeep wrangler 5 years ago, last month. I have loved having it and have seen the mountains in a way a passenger car just doesn't offer. I've wanted to go on an off-roading caravan for a few years - head out with a group (safety in numbers), take advantage of the modifications and wisdom of others. I sent out an invite to the singles group at church - a fairly new group, still getting the feel of things. On the big day, six of us are there and ready to play. The original plan of taking an easy trail, was no longer a concern, because the subaru driver didn't make the trip. 2 Jeeps ready to hit the trail. I tell Crazy C that I'll follow him (I'm all about letting the man lead - right?!). "Sure, " he says, "I know some trails that aren't tough, just a dirt road with some bumps, but it'll be fun." And so, up the mountain we go - a car of three men and a car of three women. The speed at which Crazy C was climbing the mountain should've been the first indication that following him could be dangerous.We head onto a trail that I'm sure says, "dead end." Those words of warning aren't used loosely. There are a number of times when I think it isn't a good idea to keep following the boys down the steep climb, rolling over rocks and ducking from tree branches as they reach for our heads, eyeballs and all. The scared jeep of girls evens stops to pray for God's wisdom and protection. I finally decide, I've had enough.... I want to turn around and I'm fully aware climbing what we rolled down will be no easy task. After a 100 pt turn, we are facing upward. By this time, I have given the wheel over and sit in disbelief as a passenger in my own car and the fellas attempt to get it unstuck. My poor baby, I've taken such good care of you over the years. At one point, boy driver behind the wheel, 3 girl passengers and 2 male hood ornaments (on the hood for additional weight - I am waiting for them to crash through the windshield or be run over). The next thing I see (after a terrible noise), is both guys giving the driver the "cut it off sign" also illustrated by slitting one's own throat...accompanied by a couple, "it's done, it's done!" Sure enough one of those darned rocks slammed into my oil pan....
Approximately 8 hours later I am safely home, but not my jeep. The fellas were great and offered to fix it, spent hours taking the original oil pan off, putting a new one on....but weeks later, I realize there is a leak...and then good old fashioned smoking from the hood - shoot! Eventually it took a trip to a professional and $357 later, my baby is back and running. I don't think a trip to the mountains will ever be the same. Off-roading seems like a ridiculously foolish hobby now and I think I've actually lost respect for hard-core off-roaders. Aside from the others stranded on the mountain, no one saw the "crazy" trail we were on, it isn't something people will be talking about forever, and I won't begin to analyze the number of shoes I could've purchased with that mechanic bill.

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