Friday, October 31, 2008


It's been crazy - wedding planning, moving, leaving my job. I feel like my brain never gets a break. There have been times where I've felt emotional - like up for a good cry, started a couple tears and then gotten distracted with something I need to do and don't even get to a good sob before I'm on to something else. The pinnacle of this insanity was the other week. Late night, early morning, late for work. GO!GO!GO!GO! I threw on my walking shoes, threw my work shoes in my bag, along with a granola bar for breakfast and my wedding planner (I feel lost without it). I race to work. I've got to get to court. I rip off my running shoes, throw on my work shoes....only to discover, to my horror! I grabbed two different shoes. Sure, they were both brown, but completely different. One with a bow at the toe, the other with swirly imprints. I ran to a co-worker's office to share the insanity. She was kind to offer her shoes, which I tried on and quickly declined, after feeling the warmth and moistness her foot left behind. I promptly strapped on my running shoes again, was out the door, back home to find a match. I am so excited to get settled into a calmer pace of life!

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