Tuesday, June 10, 2008

29 is feeling mighty fine!

It has been a whirlwind of activities but let me say that my 29th year began on May 25th and so far... things are looking really good for this last year of a decade.

I started the day with breakfast with Schelau and Matt at Mimi's - mmmmm, buttermilk spice muffins. We all rode together to church and on the way we saw a tragic accident. We're talking dead bodies in the road. Plenty of time has passed, so this will be shared with far less emotion but I felt, intensely, the reality of how short life is. There is truth in the cliche "life is short" and "live everyday like it's the last." I really feel like this is something to pursue this year... I can look back and see how lackadaisically I have pursued my faith and sharing it with others. I need to feel some urgency in my purpose on this earth. So....if any of you don't know Jesus... let's chat.

The afternoon was chill and then the family (and boyfriends!) had dinner at the Macaroni Grill. Again...mmmmmm.
A group of friends met at the BlueStar for wine. Despite having called earlier in the week and being told they could accommodate us, we arrived to find they had nowhere to put 12 people. They gave us a tennis racket, a way for them to pick us out of the crowd when our table was ready. I was relieved they didn't hand me the sombrero. After an hour of patiently waiting and seeing no sign of hope toward progress we bailed. My friends were so patient and kind. Matt took the racket hostage and we were out. When we arrived at 15C disgruntled and talking of how the BS has lost some good business, the bartender at 15C told us the owner called over and said he'd cover a healthy tab. Nice! So, we drank and laughed on the house....now what to do with the racket!
It was a great day and I'm looking forward to a great year.

~while passing a storefront on Bijou, after a few glasses of wine this was the funniest thing I had ever seen. Even now I know I was right to think it would be something I would need to share with others. Enjoy....

1 comment:

Cadenabeana said...

Happy Birthday!!! I can't believe you didn't tell me about the 15C tab! Wish that I could have been there.