Recently, I went to the Dr's Office for an "annual." It's a dirty word and not really an enjoyable experience. I hear my name called as I wait in the lobby. I hop up, head to the door and waiting for me is an old client. There were some awkward exchanges. I minimize my discomfort as she measures my height, takes my temperature and my weight all the while wondering how I will demand she not be anymore involved in my appointment. She reports she is doing well and I try to recount her compliance. I was the most uncomfortable while she flipped through my medical file. She left to get the Dr and I didn't see her again until the end of my
appointment, when she returned with a large needle - to give me a long-over-do
tetanus shot. I don't "believe" in Karma, but if I did.....
While walking out of the courthouse a nice enough looking man asked me if he could exit out the employee only doors. I assist him by scanning my card. He's chatting it up on his cell, holds the door for me, finishes his phone call and then thanks me for my help. He then inquires if I will assure that he gets to his car safely. Is he flirting with me? Is he an employee? Is he a defendant who just got out of court for a violent crime? I am a "better-safe-than-sorry" kind of gal and keep things real distant, short, curt. After I shoot him down, he finally says, "do you work at probation? I just started today."
I am a jerk! I am rude! How will I ever meet nice boys if I assume they are all criminals?!
Today, while on my way out for lunch I waited at a crosswalk. Out of the blue a man stands next to me and starts conversation by telling me, "did you hear they think they found Noah's ark?" He proceeds to explains where it was found, how it was recovered from a mudslide and was pushed further down some mountain by a lava flow. Nice enough man (and after my co-worker blunder - see above - I'm working on being a little less defensive) but it was taking me off guard. He talked to me all they
way across the street and a good way down the next block. "wow!" "really?!" "huh?" were my responses. I ask him, "is this breaking news today?" I thought maybe he had just seen it on fox news and couldn't wait to dialogue with someone. "No, it's been out for a while."
Hmph, no explanation on why he was sharing it with Perhaps it was an exercise for an
Evangelism Explosion class. He plugged a website - maybe it's his own and he wants more hits. I'm not sure... maybe he was an angel and God wanted to remind me of His promise.