Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Quarterlife crisis

I worked as a teller at a bank when the quarter craze started. A new quarter every so often. Die hard collectors would come in to the bank expecting our small Colorado branch would have the latest on the day of release. I saw the collection books and was shocked that people would have so much patience to collect 50 quarters over the course of years. I had customers who would buy rolls of quarters, just to see if they could find the ones they didn't yet have.
Colorado? "Oh man! It doesn't get released until June 2006 - that's forever from now!" I would commiserate with some of the disappointed Colorado collectors. I remember thinking that life in 2006 would be completely different for me. Would I even care when the quarter came out? For all I knew, I would be raising children and keeping a husband happy - who has time to keep track of quarter releases.
Late last night I was scrounging quarters to do laundry. It was only because it was shiny and clearly brand new that it caught my eye. I pulled the quarter out of the pile. There it was, "Colorful Colorado." Shocking. It was a wrinkle in time moment - where with a quick look over my shoulder I can remember life back when 2006 would be ages away. And here it was. No child rearing. No happy husband. Using quarters the same way I have since 1998... for clean underwear and sheets.

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