Sunday, July 24, 2005

Pressure's Off

RING:" Hello"
Caller:"Hey, what are you doin'?"
One thought ran through my head "WHAT?"
I was sitting on the couch when the phone rang; expecting a call from someone else I was stunned into silence by the sound of his voice; his familiar southern drawl. Yes, this is the cowboy that I went to visit in Texas. But he is an ex now. We split about three weeks after my trip. We ended amiacably, still friends and talking; thinking that if I were closer we would be together.
So, how is it that he always found some excuse for not calling me when we were together but now he calls like it is nothing. I mean twice this week; yes twice this week I have answered the phone to hear that voice that I used to wait for. Sitting idly by waiting for my phone to show his name on caller id and now, I am blown away, twice in one week. It seems like when there was a title on the relationship there was too much pressure for him.
But then when we were together I could hardly use endearing terms like honey. He used to ask why and I would force them out akwardly. And now I catch myself using them; they just slide out in the middle of our conversations. "Ah, honey"; I mean where is that coming from?
I guess that when you lose the titles the Pressure's Off.
ca aka cmt

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