Friday, July 18, 2008

Lions, tigers and bears. Oh my!

Matt and I went camping last weekend. We were discussing packing up camp when he said, "We need to go to the truck now!" I didn't ask any questions. "Oh dear God! It must be a man with a gun!" a logical conclusion, giving the red-neck target shooting we'd heard the previous evening and again this morning. "No....I bet it's a mountain lion!" I noticed Matt wasn't running like I would have expected him to, if, we had indeed been a mountain lion target. I decided to turn-around and see what I was supposed to be protecting myself from... A BEAR! He wasn't super close, but close enough that he could have been close, if he wanted to be. He looked around a bit and then headed the other direction...that became the sensible time to grab the camera and document this close encounter with the beast.


Cadenabeana said...


Blythe Owen Hunt said...

oh my word! scary!!! be glad we don't have grizzlies! :)

Blythe Owen Hunt said...

um, hello, UPDATE!!!