Saturday, August 26, 2006

Ex = Co

Everybody knows it, everybody says it - "don't date co-workers." It gets messy. I learned the hard way. Dated I guy I had worked with for several years. He broke me down over a year...we dated and lasted only a few short months...then there was the lack of the clean break (seeing him daily). It was very messy. It's been 2 years. Geesh, ex-boyfriend who? The only complication was occassionally seeing him at meetings, court, and trainings after he got a new job working for the state.
Having been in my abusive work environment too long, and after having bounced my head on the glass ceiling 3 years ago, I also decided to apply to work for the state - it is the only option for work to stay in the field. It was a big deal when I got the job - over 100 had applied. There was apprehension, how will be to work where the ex is? Nah, there are over 75 people in the department and 5 different divisions. I probably wouldn't even see him.
I arrived at my first day. "Check in with Ellen, she's going to be your supervision." Shoot! The ex and I are going to be in the same division?! I check in with Ellen and aside from the drama of the ex, she's a good supervisor and I'll be working in a good division. Ellen directs me to my new office..... please take a deep breath, because what's about to happen isn't even humorous.... I'll be working right next door to my ex. We're talking neighbors, we're talking I can hear him breath, clear his throat, I can hear his phone calls.
GOD! What in the world are you trying to teach me?!

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