Thursday, May 19, 2005

The inevitable Trip

In every relationship there comes a point when the two involved must decide is this worth their time, especially in a long distance relationship. They must decide if there is potential for long term; are the multi-hour phone conversations getting them anywhere, any closer to a deeper commitment? Well, I made the trek to Texas to see my beau and figure some things out. My goal for the trip was to spend lots of time together and help us to both recognize our deeper desires for this relationship.
Ahh, what a womanly perspective...Right, but a ten day face plant into reality was awaiting me. I had a fantastic time; we hung around the house, went for drives into town, went on dates and so on... But, as a female, I realize, I was looking for enlightening moments of clarity... is he my future; can we get along all of the time; can I mesh into the family?
The answers I found---yes, we could have a great future; we get along great; I get along with the family smashingly well.
What I was not expecting to learn---how to shoot a gun; that men think on such a different level when measuring a relationship; THAT THIS TRIP ANSWERED NO QUESTIONS AT ALL.
Upon my return to Alaska we knew no better where we stood on the future of our relationship. We are still facing the same questions and still trying to decide for ourselves... IS ALL THIS WORTH IT?


Anonymous said...

Wow.. crazy, huh? At least that means there won't be a run to Vegas for a quickie. =-)Haha. Maybe you should do the email question thing.. You sent 5 questions to him, he answers and sends 5 back. NO HOLDS BARRED and you have to answer truthful. Is he an emailer?

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, boy-girl relationships. The books don't convey the reality of, well, real life. You'll figure this out. And asking yourselves the question, "is it all worth it?" is something each of you can only answer for yourself. It is the central question at this stage. It's hard to walk through this's worth it though - either way. I'm happy for this time for you Ca. Taste the fullness of life! ~Sch