Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I've died and gone to Mexico!

It started as a cheap trip with my dear friend Kristin, in celebration of our birthdays, which fall just one week apart. Over the years, we've celebrated together and we decided, in honor of her turning 30 and me turning 29, it was time to make it big. Strangely, and unexpectedly 5 friends who were invited were not only interested but able to go.
Jen had timeshare connections and got us hooked up with a beauty. It was something similar to the first show of a "RealWorld" season as we ran around the place screaming and jumping around. We had a living area, dining room table, two big rooms with big beds and sauna tubs in the bedrooms (not that they were used). Our patio faced the pools with a hint of ocean view off to the side. We even had our own dipping pool. It was amazing.

The pool was amazing with lots of different areas, nice chairs, even big beds with white canopies. The best was the lazy river which took a good 15 minutes to float through. At certain times during the day they would turn on the rapids for a little excitement.

We made a trip to Wal-mart (my disdain for the mega chain almost disappeared as I wondered the aisles and saw some of the comforts of home) where we each paid something like $20 for some basic meals and drinks, which left us with money to go all out when we went out to eat. At Wal-mart I used the ATM to get out some pesos (the exchange rate was 10:1 - should've been easy math but I found myself writing down my desired amount and literally moving the decimal to ensure I got it right). There was a sketchy guy to my side and so when the money came out I grabbed and headed off...leaving my little money card in the machine. I didn't even realize it until later that night. Fortunately, despite the opportunity for major disaster I was only inconvenienced with a cancelled card.

We went skinny dipping. And as a newbie, I'll say there wasn't a spot on the beach that seemed
nearly dark enough for me. Pandemonium as we all grabbed for our cover ups.

Kristin and I celebrated our birthdays on Saturday night. She made super cute hair clips and I got matching bracelets. 7 ladies hot to trot. Something to be said about a large group of ladies in Mexico... we were treated well. We went to dinner at Daiquiri Dick's as recommended by our concierge, Adolfo, who not only put in a good word for our fab room, but also gave us pointers on the good places to go. We got a table outside along the water and all had the pleasure of watching the sun set. The girls made sure we felt special with champagne and even a tune of happy birthday by the waiters. There happened to be a harp player who wowed us with his talent. They brought out cake and flaming shots....which is where pandemonium (again) broke forth. I managed to knock my flaming shot and as the alcohol poured out along the tablecloth and my lap so did the flame. With my napkin I patted out the fire (preventing the visions of marbled burned skin I saw in my head) and a waiter was quick to get out the rest. We caused quite a scene at that quiet, romantic restaurant with our fire and screaming. I thought I had gotten out of the shot, phew, particularly seeing Kristin's pain when she got hers down, until they came out with another one for me, this one not flaming but still so hot in my mouth.

We went dancing at a club called the "Zoo" where one of my honest friends pointed out we dance old. When did that happen?
We took the bus into Puerto Vallarta where we got to see some of the town and do some shopping at the flea market. I hated the bartering, mostly because I had no idea how much things should be costing. I fell into anti shopping mode (why does that always happen at the worse times?) and decided I didn't really need anything. We ate a Pipi's because it was suggested by wise Adolfo and because we had a coupon stating our second margarita would be free. Nobody needs a second gigantic margarita?! But we got 4 for more to go (should there be concern, be relieved they were dumped shortly after leaving Pipi's).

We took an excursion that included snorkeling (except the water was totally cloudy and I saw nothing but my hands under the water) and a stop to the island of Yelapa. I took a walk with our tour guide to the falls and heard about how the island had only in the last 5 years gotten running water and electricity. There were mangos growing and hibiscus flowers. We saw a woodshop where a man had taken over as the third generation working with rosewood taken down the island's mountain by mule. It was great to sneak a peak into some grassroots living after days in the resort life.

My second excursion, with Kristin, was the amphibian assault tour. We waited in a random gas station to be picked up by a stranger, who drove us out of town for a while. I didn't say it out loud, but wondered how much he'd get for our bodies. After passing through more "real mexican life" we arrived to a ranch where we loaded up on 8 wheeled atvs and took them on a dirt path until we reached a river bed where we did our best to drive fast, turn sharply and get wet and dirty. The gray haired couples called us the maniacs. When we got back to the ranch we sat at a little hut and tasted 9 tequila's and learned a little more about how the good stuff is made. And to think all this time I've limited myself to Jose.

Our last night (and one of my most favorite experiences) we traveled back into PV to the Westin Hotel where there is a restaurant outside, also along the ocean, where you sit on beds in the sand. It was posh...and it couldn't have hurt that after primping and even taking photos practicing our movie star poses, that the host said, "So, there are 7 of you movie stars." Well, we didn't want to cause a scene but.....
We had a great dinner and then made ourselves at home and danced on our bed...and around the bed....and along the water. It was so fun! My married friends swore that these are only girlfriend type of adventures...dancing recklessly and owning the night. That was until the bill came... my water was $5. Sometimes you pay for memories. I'm still going to say it was worth it.

On this adventure I discovered that I can totally enjoy a lazy vacation without an agenda or guilt and fear of missing things because I slept in. I discovered I really do love the sun and am sad to watch my sun glow slowly fade with each day back in real life. I love the sand between my toes, particularly the feeling of the grains running past my feet as the wave pulls it away from me. I was shocked that by the end hanging out in my swimsuit was totally comfortable. I discovered, despite my fears, that 7 grown women can have a great week, enjoy each other's company and differences without any chick drama.


Cadenabeana said...

You all look so beautiful!! I am blown away with the amazing women you have all become.
I love you and am so glad that you all were able to go. What a blast!!!

Cadenabeana said...

And you should all have come up here...we totally have a club called the zoo and it has bars TOO!!!

Rebecca said...

How much fun! Hubs and I think you are looking great!!!
I enjoyed the stories - and it was great seeing familiar faces. :)

Love you!!

Rally said...

I would have to agree with the other comments... You Look AMAZING! Your beauty is captivating. It sounds like a great trip, and I am so happy to read you've learned to enjoy "beach life"... It's attractive for a vacation isn't it.