Thursday, March 12, 2009


"I want to live in a big city with public transportation."

Now that I'm here I recognize my naivete. 
As a people watcher, who generally cannot get enough of observing, public transportation has let me down a number of ways.
#1 In such small perimeters it is really hard to watch without being caught... and to stop watching after being caught especially when they're sitting right across from you. Oh, these eyes are rebellious.

#2 During rush hours, it is standing room only and any period of time is a long time to rely on inner core strength and rubber hand loops to keep you upright and not all over the person who is standing so very close to you.

#3 While the majority of people seem to be aware of others, there is a pocket of people who are oblivious to the hoards of bodies all around them when they: 
a. talk on the cell phones (answering work calls and speaking with important work voices, shoot the sh*t on the way to get antabuse while they complain about the roommate who moved out just b/c their dog pooed under her bed and that they can't move into a new apartment b/c they have a misdemeanor on their record, discuss grandma's health and what they're having for dinner)
b. put their bag next to them, taking up two seats in a standing room only train
c. laugh and giggle when their child is screaming incessantly 
d. try to climb in before you can get out
e. have trouble breathing through their nose and make horrible noises when they breathe through their mouth, so much so, that as you hear the sound right behind you, you find yourself grasping for your own breath (not to worry, I saw her again and she is capable of smoking).

#4 No matter the time or circumstance I am always just missing the train I need. While the wait isn't usually more than 8 minutes, it's a long 8 minutes if:
a. it's cold outside
b. you're late to work
c. you ran to the train, pushed the "open door" button, only to watch the train pull away and use those minutes to rehash the harshness of rejection and rejection with an audience
d. you know that was the last pre-rush hour train and the next will be packed and you can kiss a seat goodbye

Unfortunately, because my public transport is almost always on cranky mornings (I mean, which work days don't start with those?) or after long work days and in small, crowded spaces, I've lost some of my excitement with analyzing people and their conversations. Currently, I most enjoy the rides when I've got my ipod and can't hear those around me, or have found something interesting to read on my blackberry. To great relief, I recently found myself in an open space with lots of people and enjoyed taking them all in and watching them be them. Phew! My passion is still there - just not with commuters. 

- I should note, I've not experienced a train as crowded as the image I've included-

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