Tuesday, July 10, 2007

5K Princess Warriors

Here we are week #1. (from left: Schelau, Jana)

Woohoo! I did it! We did it! 5 weeks. In a row. 5 kilometers.

Insert tune from My Fair Lady: "They said he couldn't do it but he did it, he did it. They said he couldn't do it but indeed he did!"

The first week, a whole 5 weeks ago, I began with fear - what if it is horrible? Impossible? or What if I don't finish?
The fifth week, on this very night, I began with fear - what if it is horrible? Impossible? or What if I don't make it?

Pasha! It was totally not horrible and we totally made it!

I'll admit the t-shirt ceremony was a little anti-climatical - there were a lot recipients and by the time the T's rolled around, it was old news. There also wasn't a group photo, and I'm not ashamed to say I was looking forward to that. BUT! I did receive my official shirt - a true sign that I did it! Let me just point out (and toot my own horn) that I, a non-runner, at times lazy, and not a goal setter put on game face every Tuesday for 5 weeks and ran 5 kilometers each week...in a row! I am going to say it: I am a princess warrior.

And so I would like to thank:
Jack Quinn's - for the 5k, of course. All the runners who ran by my apartment
challenging me during my denial stage. Bristol Brewing, who makes such a darned good beer that a cold Beehive is totally worth the effort. Apple for creating the ipod - which not only gave me the beats but a handy little stopwatch, as well. All the artists who inspired me to climb the hill - you know who you are. (let us not forget the generous ex-boyfriend who gave the gift of the ipod and the initial anger drive to run). My friends Sarah and Vicki, who have been avid runners for quite some time and were an inspiration. My running (read: jogging) partner Schelau - I wouldn't have done it if I didn't have someone to do it with; thank you for your commitment despite rain, discomfort and pain, and for the knuckle bumps ~ which meant everything to me.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tribute piece you've written, Jana. *sniff* *wiping tear from eye* Hard work, dedication, and moral support make such triumphs possible!


Anonymous said...

Hey!! What about the sister who was there to affirm you when you were worried about looking fat in your running shorts!!