Well, I don't recommend a spinal tap. The procedure is officially over but the pain lingers. I'm walking like an old woman...pain in the back. The doctor, radiologist, nurse all told me that compared to other procedures this would be mild - what no one realized is that I wasn't having any of the other procedures and so, in no way, shape or form, would I be relieved when experiencing the pain of this one. They told me to drink lots of fluids and caffeine. I chugged water like I was competing with Billy Bob with Pabst Blue Ribbon at the local dive. Caffeine? Perfect excuse for some extra Starbucks. I picked up a Venti coffee on my way...I had trouble lifting the cup without wobbling - no one should drink that much coffee?! I went to the bathroom at least 5 times prior to the tap. My radiologist was a comedian and there is nothing quite like fake laughing while scared and jittering from the venti. Two of the radiologist were giving each other a hard time about doing the wrong thing or putting the file in the wrong place....my consolation: as they bent over and around me, I could see their security badge photos and seeing as they received the badge while they both had more, darker hair...I figured they probably (or at least should) know what they were doing. The doctor numbed the area - why must we experience pain to eliminate pain? and then pressed hard into my back with the needle...then hit a nerve - my leg started shaking...trippy! Went at again and I totally flailed - which is frowned upon in these kind of procedures. The dr showed me the vials of my spinal fluid that would be sent to the lab, "see, looks just like water!"
I successfully spent 24 hours on my back - which was easier than expected. Thanks mom! And no bed pan!
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