Even 24 hours later, I am still in shock. Even now, I have an urge to look outside my front window to make sure I haven't lost my mind. The second blizzard hit Thursday. Friday I was calling the snow hotline, to see if I would have to go into work. C looks out the window, "where's your car?" Annoyed I respond, "outside - out front." "no it's not." "yeah it is." Sure enough I shuffle to the window and don't see my jeep. My brain sorts through a matrix of possibilities. Could it have been towed? No, cars around it still sit where their drivers left them. Could it be that I can't see it because of the snow blowing? A quick dress and jaunt outside revealed that indeed, it was gone. Did a family member take it? Or as my mother suggested, did someone borrow it b/c they had to get somewhere in this terrible weather and will return it? Did someone hit it, tow it and is it now in an auto-shop being repaired? Did it roll away? Did I park it somewhere else and have simply lost my mind?
I couldn't even see tire tracks - which would indicate someone helped themselves last night. Was it while I sat in my apartment watching a "The Office" re-run? While I was fast asleep?
When I first called the police, they explained they couldn't even take a report while short staffed due to the weather. I called my insurance office and explained to the woman who answered the phone, "my car was stolen." She laughed and laughed and laughed...I almost started crying, but then when she said she was surprised I was so funny about it; I understood that my own stoic demeanor had encouraged her response.
I called the police back and was able to speak to an officer, whom, I of course now have a crush on. Will he be my knight in shining armor? Is this God's will - that I would meet my future husband as a result of my stolen car? Unfortunately I have no information on his physical or marital status so I need to put the reigns on it. Why does a single woman's mind always go there?
I've processed through the disbelief. Now I'm just angry. Angry at criminals, at their justification, their entitlement, they lack of conviction and remorse.
How long do I wait to see if it is found? When do I start looking at getting a new car? Will the insurance claim adjuster fight to give me nothing for my baby. Will I start over with new car payments and higher insurance? Will I get my jeep back trashed but salvageable just below or just above my $500 deductible? Will I be bitter and angry for much longer?
I suppose the stolen basket from a few weeks ago was the foreshadowing in my story. And just as typical in so many plots...it went undetected.